E Kargado Di Lus by Richenel Ansano
Alimá is an invitation to accept the sacredness and mystery of our presence in this world. As we do this the stories will emerge, the blessings become clearer, our steps strengthened. We will first and foremost honor this sacred space rather than jump to solutions to the symptoms we have. This is also an invitation to approach life from your own personal and cultural resources.

In our closest encounters with illness and other life-transforming events we realize it is not separate from the sacredness of life. Because of the particular way modern medicine emphasizes the scientific nature of illness and the technological and drug-based solutions to its symptoms we have disconnected the spiritual from our bodies and from illness. Similarly, many modern societies are forgetting the ways in which to honor life changes and spiritual crises.

But, often, illness is a physical manifestation of a deeper spiritual story, calling us to pay attention to new stages of growth, deeper understandings and more different qualities of relationships. When that story can be heard and brought forward, and we can see how it is embodied, we can work with what needs to heal on a spiritual, emotional, community or environmental level and also bring about or support physical healing.

Stories can surface in many ways – through physical movement, visual images, energy. Often these stories can be recognized as having resonances with myths and stories from ancient cultures and with current happenings. Sometimes the ancient stories and archetypal characters can give guidance for how transformative events came about and how their lessons can be understood and integrated in our lives. The story can also be seen in the synchronicities of life: colors, patterns, chance phone calls can all point to emerging patterns. Honoring these connections brings the transformation and integration that will nurture our souls in their urge to more fully express our real selves.

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Copyright © 2009 Alima Transformations Updated: 03/26/10